Next Steps

Now that you have given your life to Jesus Christ. 

Here are some next steps to move forward on your new journey.

Keys to life

Below are important keys for a vital healthy life in Christ.

  • Bible Keys

    Living Bible Church encourages everyone to read their Bibles. Download a Bible reading plan that will take you through the whole Bible in a year.

  • Keys to maintain deliverance

    • Abide in Jesus. Place all your attention on Him. Commit and surrender yourself totally to Christ. Luke 9:23.
    • Let the Holy Spirit be your comforter and guide. Spend time in His presence in order to receive His power.
    • Stay in the scriptures. Read your bible every day. 
    • Learn about who God is and His loving heart toward you.
    • Create times of worship in your day. Listen to worship music.
    • Spend time in prayer daily. Tell Jesus everything, Be still to hear His voice. 
    • Guard your words. Be very careful what you say to others and yourself.
    • Think about your thoughts. Replace negative thoughts with spiritual ones.
    • Put on the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18. Recognize the enemy's strategies and become aware of the devil's schemes. He will use lies, accusations, intimidation, and temptations to get you to go back to your old ways.
    • Practice commands of authority in Jesus name. Luke 10:19.
    • Confess, repent, and renounce sins quickly and positively. Anticipate increased freedom as your walk in obedience.
    • Crucify the flesh. Focus on pleasing God, not quenching the Holy Spirit.
    • Attend church. Be a part of Christian fellowship.
    • Identify and begin using your spiritual gifts.
    • Remember that sometimes deliverance is a process so do not be discouraged and do not give up!
  • Baptism

    Baptism is an external sign of an internal change in the life of a believer. It is an important step that marks your entrance into the church as a member of the Body of Christ. It is a symbol of the beginning of a new life based on faith in Jesus Christ. 

    Jesus Himself was baptized and instituted baptism in the Great Commission. Descent into the water represents the union of the convert with Christ in His death. Immersion symbolizes the confirmation of death to sin. The ascension from the water means that death has been conquered and the believer walks in new life (Romans 6:3-6).

    If you would like to be baptized, please contact the church to initiate a time and place for this celebratory event!